Policy and Procedure No. 10
At Millfield Pre-school (MPS) we aim to provide each new child and their family the opportunity to participate in a home visit prior to the child starting at the setting.
The purpose of the visit is to help the child, family and senior staff get to know more about each other in the home environment where the child usually feels more relaxed.
The home visit is an optional service that the setting provides. Not all families wish to take us up on this offer and the home visit is additional to our ‘Admission pt2 – Settling In Policy No. 10a’ provided for all children.
Only one home visit per family is usual, however this service is offered individually to both parents should they be separated.
1. We provide this service by:
a. Parents/Carers are required to compete a home visit consent form indicating their wishes.
b. For those Parents/Carers who request a home visit the Lead Practitioner/Manager will contact the family and arrange a time that is mutually convenient.
c. A home visit will always be attended by two senior members of staff. The staff will make their own way to and back from the families home and this will take place during normal working hours.
d. One member of staff will use the homeĀ visit as a means of talking to the family, gaining information aboutĀ the child and answering any questions a family may have. The additional staff member will aim to give attention to the child during this time.
e. The staff will stay together during the home visit and would not expect to be left alone with the chid during the visit.
f. Visits will last a maximum of 30 minutes.
g. Staff will be conscious of the fact that they are guests in the family home and will treat all families with a high level respect and regard during the visit.
h. Families personal and parenting beliefs and/or cultural preferences will not be challenged, disputed or defied by visiting staff. This also applies to family treatment of visiting staff.
i. At anytime during the visit Parents/Carers may ask both staff members to leave and do not have to give a reason why.